M和atory 招收ment in the Bellevue-Foundation Arranged Accident 和 Sickness Medical Benefit Plan
As a condition of participating in the international student program, F-1 visa holders on BC’s I-20 are required to join the BC-Foundation arranged accident 和 sickness medical benefit plan every quarter including approved vacation 术语1 和 first time Reduced Course Load (RCL)2 术语. Please go to the 火鸟,有限责任公司.、保险网站 to learn about the eligibility 和 coverage information. The plan does not cover dental 和 vision. There is a pre-existing condition limitation which includes a 6-month waiting period. An eligible person is an individual who meets all of the requirements of the Covered Classes shown below:
An international student, 学者, visiting faculty or other person with a valid F, J, or M visa status, temporarily located outside their home country as a non-resident alien 和: a) is engaged in educational or cultural activities of Bellevue College; 和 b) has not obtained permanent residency (i.e., green card) status in the United States; 和 c) is not a U.S. 公民.
Individuals temporarily located outside His 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Country as a non-resident alien, engaged In Optional Practical Training (OPT) or Curricular Practical Training (CPT) if: a) the OPT/CPT training follows a course of study of the Participating Member; 和 b) is no longer than 12 months in duration; 和 c) the individual maintains their valid F, J or M Visa status, 和 d) the individual is not a U.S. 公民.
Individuals temporarily located outside of their home country as a non-resident alien, engaged in a sponsored English Language Program or similar program (i.e., a group customized program) of Bellevue College 和 maintain a valid F, J, or M visa status, 和: a) the individual has not obtained permanent residency (i.e., green card) status in the United States, 和 b) the individual is not a U.S. 公民.
Eligible dependents of any of the above classes.
(1) Vacation Quarter: Students on an approved vacation 术语 are considered eligible 和 can continue their coverage, providing coverage was in effect at least the 术语 immediately prior to the vacation 术语 和 the vacation request form has been received 和 the required premium has been paid to the participating educational institution or to FIIG within the first 14 days from the start of the vacation 术语.
(2) Reduced Course Load: A student will only be allowed one approved medical reduced course load 术语 per plan year, at the request of a treating physician 和 approved by the participating educational institution. Premium for this period must be paid to the participating educational institution or to FIIG within the first 30 days of the start of the 术语 or qualifying event.
(3)豁免: M和atory medical insurance is a requirement imposed by the BC Foundation in the International Shared Funding Agreement. F-1 students who become ineligible for the BC-Foundation arranged plan should secure other coverage 和 submit proof of coverage to International Education immediately. Exemptions from the m和atory enrollment are:
- Students who are covered by their family member through their US employer-based medical insurance plan;
- Students whose finances 和 insurance are covered by a third-party sponsorship (e.g., SACM);
- IBP students referred by the BC’s authorized IBP referral agency while students remain in the IBP program only;
- Students on Optional Practical Training (OPT) are exempted from the m和atory enrollment in the plan; however, coverage is available directly from Firebird International Insurance Group, 和
- Students who need a plan with additional coverage including a coverage limit of more than $250,000 USD during the plan year.
Please contact Firebird at (206) 909-8550 for questions about coverage 和 limitations.
(4) Frequently Asked Questions:
Last Updated May 4, 2023